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Official Website of Writer 

Emily Nussbaum

Cue The Sun!:
The Invention of Reality TV

Best Books '24 at NYT, NPR, Vanity Fair, Chicago Tribune, The Economist and more!
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My Story

Emily Nussbaum is a staff writer for The New Yorker, and previously, was the magazine's television critic. She worked as an editor and a writer at New York Magazine, where she created The Approval Matrix. She's also written for Slate, The New York Times, Lingua Franca and Nerve, among other publications. In 2016, she won the Pulitzer Prize for Criticism.

She lives in Brooklyn with her husband Clive Thompson and her two children. She doesn't have a favorite television show, but under pressure, she'll choose "Slings and Arrows."

My writing

I Like To Watch: Arguing My Way Through The TV Revolution

The New Yorker

Other Writing

My Books

"Sharp, insightful writing that firmly positions Nussbaum as one of the leading TV critics of our time."

Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

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